In 1986, Phyllis began a nine-year association with Philadelphia International Records, founded by the legendary musical team of Kenneth Gamble & Leon Huff.
In 1986, Phyllis began a nine-year association with Philadelphia International Records, founded by the legendary musical team of Kenneth Gamble & Leon Huff, who had built the company into an African-American musical powerhouse with global reach. The much-anticipated release of Phyllis’ album debut for the label, Living All Alone (with production by Gamble & Huff, Thom Bell, Dexter Wansel and Phyllis herself, among others) was a best-seller, thanks to the title track (written by Cynthia Biggs and Dexter Wansel), and “Old Friend” (penned by Thom Bell & Linda Creed), both of which became essential staples of Phyllis’ dynamic live shows.